As the sensing elements are buried in the ground, the probability of its malicious damage is minimized. The detection zone for a person is several meters wide. Even before a person could get close to a facility, the person will be detected by the system. It should be pointed out that Dunay provides for passage digging detection. The additional advantage of the system is that it allows monitoring the passage of pig receivers (cleaning pigs) and defectoscopes in the pipes.
Localization acoustic influences
• Detection unauthorized works
• Monitoring the movement shells
A vertical seismic profiling system is being created. The system sensing element — fiber optical cable — requires no maintenance. According to the manufacturers, the average fiber service life time is over 25 years, and the Dunay system service life time is over 10 years. The possibility of the system operation via the Ethernet channel allows an operator or dispatcher to monitor it remotely.
The Dunay system can be integrated into any security system that allows using external API interfaces. The complete automation of the system is possible, e.g. integration with drones. The automatic launch of the device would allow receiving photo and video images of the scene promptly and without additional involvement of a dispatcher.
Event is displayed on the map and logs